Jeff Davis CADA provides emergency shelter, safety and counseling for victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. All of Jeff Davis Cada’s services are confidential and free. Please know that Domestic Violence is a crime.
Emergency Shelter for Battered Women and their Dependent Children
Basic needs such as a safe place to stay, food, clothing, and personal hygiene items are provided. Residents may stay up to 45 days while they look for employment & housing. The shelter operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
24 Hour Hotline
Emergency calls are answered and routed to a shelter closest to where the call is originating from.
Individual Counseling and Support Groups
Residents may avail themselves of individual counseling daily as well as peer support group twice a week.
Independent Living Skills and Parenting Skills
Residents are given educational materials to strengthen their skills and abilities.
Childrens Services and Play Group
Children receive the same counseling services as adults but in the form of play.
Legal Advocacy
Residents of Jeff Davis Parish may get assistance in obtaining Temporary Protective Orders for domestic violence and or referrals for additional legal services.
Non-Residential Services
Once residents leave the shelter they continue to be eligible for many of the services that were provided while they were in residence.
Sexual Assault
Services for victims of sexual assault (other than TRO’s and shelter) are provided by the Oasis Sexual Violence Program. Ph: 337.494.RAPE (337.494.7273)
Toll Free Ph: 800.223.8066
Community Education and Training
Staff will provide domestic violence training for anyone interested. Please call 337/616-8418 for more information or to schedule training. CADA always welcomes opportunities to tell their story. Call us if you are looking for a guest speaker for your group or club.