Threats and Intimidation
- Threatening to harm the survivor, the children, family members and pets with or without a weapon
- Using physical size to intimidate
- Shouting
Abusing Trust
- Lying, breaking promises
- Withholding important information
- Being unfaithful, being very jealous.
Economic Control
- Not paying bills
- Refusing to give the survivor money
- Not letting the survivor work
- Interfering with the survivors job
- Not allowing the survivor to learn a skill
- Refusing to work & support the family
- Prohibiting the survivor from going to school
- Following or stalking
- Embarrassing the survivor in public
- Constantly checking up on the survivor
- Refusing to leave when asked
Sexual Abuse
- Services for victims of sexual assault (other than TRO’s and shelter) are provided by the Oasis Sexual Violence Program. Ph: 337.494.RAPE (337.494.7273)
Toll Free Ph: 800.223.8066
(All the above are form of sexual assault)
- Making it hard for the survivor to see friends and family
- Monitoring phone calls, reading mail
- Controlling where the survivor goes
- Taking the survivor’s car keys
- Checking mileage on survivor’s car
- Destroying survivor’s passport
Verbal Abuse
- Constant Criticism
- Name Calling
- Humiliating remarks
- Yelling
- Swearing
- Mocking
Physical Abuse
- Hitting
- Beating
- Strangling
- Kicking
- Slapping
- Punching
- Pushing
What Can I Do
If I am Experiencing Domestic Abuse
- Choose a safe place to go if an argument occurs
- Avoid rooms with no exits or rooms with weapons
- Prepare and memorize a list of safe phone numbers
- Have a code word so family and friends know when assistance is needed
- Keep a purse or bag with money and important documents in a safe, easily accessible place in case the need to leave quickly arises
How Can I Help
Someone I think is being Abused
- Listen to what they tell you
- Believe him/her
- Help him/her to see and build on strengths
- Validate that person’s feelings
- Avoid blaming the victim
- Suggest he/she call a domestic violence hot-line or shelter for more information or help
- Support the victim’s decisions
- Tell them that everyone deserves a life free of violence and abuse.
To schedule safety training or awareness meetings for your school, business or organization please call the Outreach Co-Ordinator at (337) 616-8418. We offer a variety of programs to fit your needs!